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We are built for you.

We renovate homes for 
first-time homebuyers.

With affordable housing needs at an all-time high, we are seeking to build a scalable model with collaboration & equity at its core.  

Local Leader Led

We began to leverage our relationships in the non-profit and social sectors together with the business community to come alongside our existing relationships with neighbors.


What we are finding is our communities are skilled and equipped. They have the ability to rise when provided access to resources and partnership.


With true unity, incredible things can be accomplished. Beyond tokenism and usefulness, we can find incredible progress when mutuality is the focus. 

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Small Margins,
Big Collaboration

These home projects are more than a renovation or new construction build. They are a platform for relationship across diverse groups of people.

As we bring our skiils, resources, and gifts to the table, we are finding it possible to create a Homeowner Pipeline â„¢ to scale the creation of affordable housing. 

With small income margins in mind, see the BIG collaboration that can be made possible between Material Suppliers, Laborers, Investors, and neighbors. 

Creating solutions

Understanding the problem is a start to a solution. The spectrum of housing needs in our communities will never naturally produce affordable housing – either in ownership or rental.


Our goal is to help in the ownership end of the spectrum by creating accessible, affordable homes for purchase. These include renovations, new builds, while working with to-be homeowners in our supported rentals along The Homeowner Pipelineâ„¢. 


Project Profile


Renovating viable older homes makes accessible purchase prices and aid neighborhood level transformation.


New Build

Project Profile

In collaboration with other local builders, we source vacant lots for new construction. Anderson Homes Foundation is a great example of this partnership.

Project Details Coming Soon

Project Profile

Rental Support

We work with other local landlords and community partners to connect tenants with creative rental solutions.

Join in on the collaboration.

How can you get involved?

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